Sunday, October 2, 2016

Elements of Photography

Photo by Mathew Brady
Year Created: 1862

Keep It Simple
          This image is very simple in the fact that there is not a lot of action going on. A viewer does not have to look from object to object to see what is happening. By capturing a simple photo, the viewer is not distracted from the main subject, which in this case are the corpses. This image conveys a powerful message and shows the unfortunate consequences of war.  

Black and White Image
          During the 19th century, photographs were only taken in black and white, which gives this picture a timeless look. If this photo was not in black and white, I think that the color would have taken away from the subject. Being a black and white photo, there are no distractions and the viewer can simply focus on the corpses. The black and white gives this photo a darker tone and helps highlight the negative space in the image. The negative space in this image allows for the viewer to focus on the corpses and separates the bodies from the background.  

What in the image created a feeling?
             In this image, the sight of seeing dozens of dead bodies on the ground makes the image seem gruesome and tragic. I think that it helps that the main subjects of this image are the corpses. Showing soldiers in such a fragile state is a perfect way to have people see and understand the aftermath of a war.

 Why I Chose This Image
           I chose this image because although it is a simple picture, it conveys such a powerful message. I thought this picture captured the horrific consequences of war without having to be too gruesome or violent. This picture shows people what was going on during the Civil War without them actually having to witness it themselves. I believe that the images of the aftermath of a war are stronger than the events that happen during it.

Photo by NASA
Year Created: 1950

 Quality of Light
           This image looks like it is from a movie, in the way that the light shines on the rocket. This photo is very bright, and the lighting is focused more in the middle of the photo, which is where the main subject is. There is a good balance between the amount of light on the rocket and the sky. Since the sky is a little darker, it really illuminates the rocket and makes it stand out more.

 Background Compliments Composition
            The background does a beautiful job complimenting both the rocket and the people, for it is not distracting. Since it is a simple sky background, the viewer can focus attention on the rocket and the people, without having to worry about missing anything in the background. The fact that the photographer used a cloudy sky as a background can show just how small the rocket and people actually are, compared to the rest of the photo. The sky looks endless, giving us the illusion that the rocket can take us to places that we can only imagine.  

Contrast Appropriate
          Although there is only a low contrast in areas, I think that the contrast between the rocket and the dark parts of the sky make this image seem more magical and surreal. The contrast between the people standing to the left of the rocket and the white smoke behind them makes the people stand out more. If the smoke was darker, the people would blend into the background. The contrast between the clouds and the sky really help make the rocket pop out at the viewer.  

Why I Chose This Image
            I chose this image because it looks as though time had been paused for the picture to be taken and the black and white color makes the photo look timeless. This picture is simple, but I think that by showing the abundance of sky in the background, it really puts into perspective just how small we truly are. I think it is also interesting to see how rockets looked when they were first created and to be able to see how small and almost simple looking they were. I think this photo is ground breaking to Americans because the rocket was one of the first that was ever made, and the photo allowed people to see how technology was advancing. This photo evokes amazement and looking at it is almost mesmerizing.   


Photo by Eddie Adams
Year Created: 1968

Subject’s Expression
          In this image, you can clearly see the subject is scared and looks as though he is going to breakdown. His body language definitely fits his scared expression, for he looks defeated and helpless. This image captures the moment a person realizes they are going to die and is waiting for the inevitable, as shown on this young man’s face. His expression in this photo embodies the reaction that most humans would have if this was happening to them. His expression of terror is real and that is what makes this image so compelling.  

 Rule of Thirds
          In this image, the young man is slightly to the right, making the viewer want to look at the rest of the image to find out why he looks terrified. I think that by putting the subject slightly to the right, and instead showing the arm with the gun in the middle, gives the picture a more dramatic feel. I think that by having the main subject not in the center, it engages the viewer more and creates a balance, where the picture is not too crowded. With the subject positioned slightly to the right, we can also focus on the subject’s environment and the other subjects around him.

 In Focus
          This image is both in and out of focus, where the main subject and everything towards the front of the photo is in focus, while the background is a little out of focus. When looking at the photo, the main subject is in perfect focus, which draws attention towards him. As you look past him, the background becomes soft and a little unfocused, showing the viewer that the main focus should be on the front part of the photo. I think that by softening the background of the photo, it makes the viewer closer to the main subject.

Why I Chose this Image
                  I chose this image because the photographer was able to capture raw human emotion and express it in a singular picture. This photo was startling and makes me wonder how I would have reacted if this ever happened to me. The photographer does a good job of pulling the focus towards the subject and I believe that the young man’s face tells a story of suffering. I think it was amazing that the photographer was able to capture the moment right before the man’s death and shows the cruelty of war. 

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